This Mutt was first established at Thoopul, Kanchipuram in 1338 CE by Sri Swamy Vedanta Desikan with his disciple Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Jeer as the first Peethadhipathi. The occasion of establishing the Mutt coincided with the sveekaaram of sanyasam by Sri Brahnmatantrar.

This first and original Mutt (“Matham”) building stood directly across the street from Swami Desikan’s birth place and ancestral home. This is said to be where Swamy Deshikan held his kalakshepam sessions with his disciples. Several years later, after the departure of Swami Desikan to paramapadam, Sri Brahmatantra Jeer moved the Mutt to Tirumala and continued rendering nitya kainkaryam to Sri Tiruvengadamudaiyan.

and Brahmatantra Jeer at the Sannidhi
The Mutt still has the rare archa moorthis of Swami Desikan, his son Sri Nainacharyar and disciple Sri Brahmatantra Jeer together, . feature not found in any other place. In recognition of this, Swami Desikan from the Thoopul Desikan Sannidhi arrives every year at the Mutt to perform Mandagapadi to receive mangalashasanam from and confer honours on the Bhakta vigrahams of Sri Nainacharyar and Sri Brahmatantrara Jeer. Another unique feature at the Mutt is that the Idol of Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva Swami is a Saligrama Shila vigraham.

Major Annual Events
Several annual functions are held regularly at this Mutt.
In the month of January, Laksharchanam for Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva is performed for bringing success and prosperity to students pursuing studies.
In the Tamil month of Avani every year, a special three-day function called “Ramanuja dayapatram” Thanian Avatara Utsavam” is celebrated. This is a unique function celebrated to commemorate the composition of the well known “Ramanuja Dayapatram” taniyan by Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Jeer. The three-day celebration consisting of recital of Vedas, Naalaayira Divya prabandham and Desika prabandham, ends on the Hastam Tirunakshatram tirunaaL of the Jeer. (It may be noted that “Ramanuja Dayapatram…” is the invocation song used by all Vadagalai Sri Vaishnavas before reciting Tamil Divya Prabandhams). On the last day, i.e., Avani Hastham day, Sri Shathari of Sri Vedanta Desikan from Tuppul Sri Vedanta Desika Sannidhi is brought to the Mutt for honouring the Bhakta vigrahams of Sri Nainachar Swami and Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Swamy.
In the Tamil month of Purattasi, during the annual celebrations of Swami Deshikan’s Tirunakshatram, Swami Desikan arrives at the Mutt from the Tuppul Desika Sannidhi to perform”Mandagapadi” and offer honours to the Bhakta vigrahams.
Normal Mutt Hours
All days: 9.00 A.M – 12.00 PM, 6.00 P.M- 8.30 P.M
Hours vary during Dhanur Maasam and on other special occassions. These will be notified at that time.
Other Annual jayanti/tirunakshatrams celebrated at the Mutt:
- Sri Hyagriva Jayanti …… Avani month
- Swami Desikan …………… Purattasi Tiruvonam
- Sri Nainacchar Swami ………………………….Avani Rohini
- Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Jeer …………….. Purattasi Tiruvonam
- Srimad Abhinava Ranganatha Brahmatantra Parakala Swami…………. Adi Punarvasu
- Srimad Abhinava Ramanuja Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Swami (35th Jeer),,,,,,,,,,,Purattasi Sravanam
- Srimad Abhinava Vgisha Nrahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Swami (present Jeer)…………Chittirai Revati
Recent & Upcoming Events
Sept 7 -9, 2021 Ramanuja Dayapatram Utsavam
Link to Parakala Matham Facebook
Recent Photos, Audio & Videos
Recent Renovation & Availability of Over-night Accommodation at the Mutt for Pilgrims
The Original Mutt Building was in a highly deteriorated state due to ageing. By Acharya’s niyamanam, we began the renovation of the building and at the same time added additional space so as to be able to meet the present day needs. Initially in the first phase, the ground floor was renovated and expanded by the addition of living area on the North and South sides. After renovation and addition work was completed, the ground floor now has a fully renovated Sannidhi, an air conditioned KuTheeram area for Swami’s stay during visits, ArAdahakra’s room and Madapalli, as well as a set of over-night guest rooms with a row of bath and toilets. The Maha Samprokshanam was performed on May 7, 2017. A number of devotees participated in this great occasion and received the blessings of Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva, Swami Deshikan and Srimad Acharyan.
In the next phase, with the help of financial support from our Mutt’s US Affiliate “Parakala Lakshmi Hayagriva Mission, a set of four rooms with attached bath and toilet were added on the north side of the First Floor.
The rooms on the first floor (some with AC) have been furnished with basic furniture and are now available along with the ground-floor non-AC rooms for renting to overnight pilgrims visiting the Kanchipuram area. The Mutt with PerumAL Sannidhi nd a rich history provides an divine ambience for the overnight guests. There is a well with clean water, which may be of particular interest to the more orthodox visitor.
For Tarrifs and room availability, please contact in advance Sri T.C. Soundararajan at 91-94431 18580
Sri Brahmathantra Swathantra Parakala Swamy Mutt,
Ennaikanar, Thoopul, Tamil Nadu 631501, India
Contact person: Sri T.C. Soundararajan,
Tel: 91-94431 18580
Sri Kannan Parthasarathy , Trustee, Chennai Sri Parakala Mutt
Mobile number: 91 95000 45211
Email id: [email protected]
On-Line Seva/Donation for Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva
You can now book your seva online. During this COVID time, we understand it is difficult to visit temple. You can do the Seva of your wish from home itself. Please contact Sri Kannan Parthasarathy at [email protected] to for more details and to book the Seva.
Support our Activities
If you wish to support the activities of this Branch of the Mutt directly, please make your contribution using the option below that is appropriate for you:
- Donors from India:
By check Payable to Sri Parakala Mutt, Tuppul and mail it to our Mutt address given on the left. If you wish to make a payment on line, please contact [email protected] for Bank account details. - Donors from outside India
Contact Sri Ramesh Talkad at [email protected] for instructions. Alternately, you can send your contribution as a “General Donation” to our US Affiliate, PLM, USA by going to the general PAYMENT PAGE