HH Parakala Swamy Bengaluru Vijayam, Mar 21st, 2025
|| Sri Lakshmi hayagreeva Parabrahmane namaha || Srimathe Sri Nigamanta Mahadesikaya namaha ||Sri Parakala Guruparamparayai namaha ||
For detailed Program please see Sancharam
SHRAVANA ABHISHEKA at Sri Parakalaswamy Mutt, Bengaluru, Karnataka, Mar 25th, 2025
|| Sri Lakshmi hayagreeva Parabrahmane namaha || Srimathe Sri Nigamanta Mahadesikaya namaha ||Sri Parakala Guruparamparayai namaha ||
Dear Shishya’s/Devotees,
This is to inform to all, HH Sri Sri Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Swamiji performed Abhisheka to Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva in Bengaluru Sri Mutt.
Meena masa SHRAVANA Nakshatra ABHISHEKA
(Honey Abhisheka)
Date Mar 25th, 2025
Time 10:30AM (IST)
Sri Parakalaswamy Mutt
(Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva Sannadi).
If you want to do Sankalpa please register & more information contact +918105749394
HH Parakala Swamy, Hyderabad Vijayam, Mar 8th – Mar 20th, 2025
Sri Abhinava Vageesa Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Swamy (HH Swamiji) is Vijayam to Hyderabad on Mar 8th, 2025 , in the evening from Chennai. He will be staying at Sri Parakala Swamy Mutt, Medipally, Uppal, Hyderabad, till Mar 20th, 2025 .
- Mar 13th, 2025 Shattumurai At Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Swamy Mutt, Hyderabad.
- On Mar 19th, 2025 Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakalaswamy mangalashasanam to (Srimad Andavan Ashramam) Mahalakshmi sannadi, West Marredpally, Secunderabad, TS.
HH Parakala Swamy, Chennai Vijayam, Mar 1st – Mar 6th, 2025
HH Parakala Swamy Bengaluru Vijayam, Annual Lakshmi Hayagreeva Homam, Padukasahasra Goshthi Parayanam, Samashrayanam. Feb 13 – 23, 2025.
For detailed Program please see Sancharam
Tiru Adhyayanotsavam Celebration at Parakala Mutt Branches. Dec 25, 2024 – Jan 16/18, 2025
As per the niyamanam of the Acharyan, the Annnual 21-day Tiru Adhayayanotsavam Utsavam was celebrated this year in most of the Parakala Mutt Branches in India, as well as at the Parakala Ashram & Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva Sannidhi at Charlotte, USA. During this 21-day period the 4000 pacurams of the Nalayira Divya Prabandham were recited by a goshthi of bhagavatas. In adition, during the 10 days of Irappattu, vedas, Deshika Prabandham and Deshika stotras were also recited. As always the Utsavam was scheduled such that Nammazhvar Moksham function which is celebrated on the 20 day falls on the Bhogi festival day, which was observed on Jan 13, 2025. The function would end with a grand 5-6 hour-long recital of the Iyarpa. Daily recitals were participated enthusiastically by men and women devotees in numbers varying from a few persons at the smaller newer branches to as many as 250 devotees at the Bangalore mutt.
LINK TO PHOTOS (includes some photos from October 2024 as well)
Swami Deshikan and Brahmatantra Jeer Tirunakshatram Celebrations at Parakala Mutt, Mysuru and Branches in India. Oct 12, 2024.
The Tiunakshtram of Swami Deshikan and of Brahmatantra Jeer (The First Peethadhipati) was celebrated enthusiastically on Oct 12 at the Mysuru Mutt as well as at all the major branches of the Mutt across India. The occasion was marked with Tirumanjanam to Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva and the Acharyas, and a recital of Veda, Divya Prabandham and Deshika stotrams during the preceding days.
Swami Deshikan’s Tirunakshatram Celebration on Oct 12, 2024 at Charlotte Ashram, USA.
Swami Deshikan’s Tirunakshatram was celebrated on Oct 12, 2024 at the Charlotte Ashram. The celebration included morning Tirumanjanam to Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva and Swami Deshikan, and recital of Tiruvaaymozhi and Deshika stotrams. A number of devotees took part in the function and received the blessings of Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva and the Acharyas.
Hayagreeva Jayanti Celebrations August 18, 2024
Hayagreeva Jayanthi was enthusiastically celebrated on Aug 17, 2024 at all Parakala Matham Branches in India as well as at Charlotte, USA. Veda-Prabandha- Deshika stotra and Vishnu Sahasranama Parayanams, and Tirumanjanam and utsavams were performed at the various branches. Hayagreeva Sudarshana homam was performed at the Tuppul Matham. These celebrations were participated by a number of devotees of all age groups with devotion and enthusiasm. A few photos from these various branches are posted at the link below.
HH’s 32nd Chaturmasya Sankalpam and Programme Announcement 2024
The 32nd Chaturmasya Vrata Sankalpam of HH Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Mahadeshikan will take place on 25th July 2024 at the Mutt headquarters at Mysuru. For the Ahvana Patrika and the Program of activities (in Kannada and English) during the subsequent several months please see the links below. Please also note that Swamy Deshikan’s Tirunakshatram along with the Tirunakshatram of Srimad Brahmatantra Jeeyar (First Peethadhipathi) will be celebrated during this period on 12th October 2024. All are invited to participate in the various activities at the Mysuru Mutt during this period and receive the anugraham of the Acharyas.
Link to Ahvana Patrika (Kannada & English)
Link to Program (English)
Link to Program (Kannada)
Link to Programme (Sanskrit)
LINK TO YOU TUBE VIDEO (About 1 hour 50 minutes long)
Acharya Tirunakshatram Celebrations at Mysuru Mutt (May 6 – 12, 2024)
The first two weeks of May were filled with activities connected with the celebration of several Acharya tirunakshatrams including those of Prakrutam Parakala Swamy on May 6 and Bhagavad Ramanuja on May 12. Celebrations were performed at the headquarters at Mysuru as well as all the branches in various locations in Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh. At Mysuru, Chaturveda Parayanam, and various homams were conducted. Music concerts were arranged on a few afternoons at the Mutt. The Acharya also visited and received Marayada at Svetha Varaha Swami temple at the Mysore palace, where he performed mangalashasanam to Perumal on May 6 which also coincided with Varaha Jayanti.
Acharya Tirunakshatram Celebrations at Charlotte Ashram (May 5 – 11, 2024)
The tirunakshatrams of Prakruta Acharyan Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Mahadeshikan and Bhagavad Ramanuja were celebrated on My 5 and 11, 2024 respectively. Tiruvaymozhi Parayanam was conducted from May 7-10 preceding the Ramanujam Tirunakshatram celebration on May 11.
Hayagreeva Homam at Bengaluru Parakala Mutt. February 4, 2024
The annual Hayagreeva Homam was celebrated in the august presence of HH Parakala Swami at the Bengaluru Parakala Mutt on February 4. These annual homams performed specially for the benefit of young students studying for various exams were started in 2010 and have become a regular and very popular annual feature. Several hundreds of students along with their parents attend the homam to seek the blessings of Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva. For photos from this function please use the following link.
Tiru Adhyayanotsavam Celebratons at Bengaluru Mutt. Dec 26, 2023 – Jan 17, 2024.

Tiru Adhyayanotsavam Celebrations at Seattle. Dec 26, 2023 – Jan 15, 2024.
The Annual Tiru Adhyayanotsavam will be celebrated in the presence of Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva , at Seattle from Dec 26, 2023 – Jan 15, 2024 under the auspices of Parakala Ashram, Charlotte, NC, USA. For detailed Program of daily recitals, please see the link below. The Program will be live-streamed. Bhagavatas are invited to participate in the recitals and receive the blessings of Perumal and the Azhvar Acharyas.
Yatha-shakti contributions to support the Utsavam activities may be made online to Parakala Lakshmihayagriva Mission (PLM, USA) by going to the Parakala Matham website at the PAYMENT LINK.
For more details about the utsavam, contact Sri Swaroop Sridhar at swaroop.sridhar at gmail.com
UPDATE as on January 31, 2024
The Adhyayanaotsavam was a grand success and was attended by a number of Seattle Area Bhagavatas. Ranganatha Bhattar excelled himself in imaginative “theme” alankArams of PerumAL every day. The highlight of these was the one which depicted BhagavadRamanujar receiving the Lakshmi Hayagriva Moorthy from Goddess Saraswati in appreciation of his Commentary on the Brahmasutrams, which She named as “SribhAshyam”.
On the last day of Iraappattu, “Nammazhvar Moksham” was celebrated elaborately with participation by a large group of bhagavatas. The 21-day utsavam was finally concluded with a day-long recital of Iyarpa followed by Periya shaattrumurai.
Following the Adhyayanotsavam, daily aradhanam for PerumAL continued at Swaroop Sridhar’s place till the end of January. On the 28th January, an other major function namely, “Pushpa Yaagam” was celebrated. This was arranged at the Seattle Vedic Center and was attended by a large group of devotees. The function extended over five hours and involved the offering of an abundance of flowers of all kinds to PeruMAL. The whole ritual was ably performed as per the Agama by Sri Ranganatha Bhattar.
PerumAL and Parivaram left for the San Francisco Bay Area Sancharam on February 1.
We sincerely thank Sri Swaroop Sridhar, Sri Ranganatha Bhattar and all the Seattle Area Hayagreeva devotees for making the Seattle Area Sancharam a memorable experience. Photos from these various utsavams can be seen from following the links below.
LINK TO DECEMBER PHOTOS (Dhanurmasam & Adhyayanotsavam)
LINK TO JANUARY PHOTOS (Adhyayanotsavam & Pushpa Yaagam)
Swami Deshikan Tirunakshatram Celebrations at Charlotte Ashram. Sept 25, 2023
Swami Deshikan’s Tirunakshatram was celebrated during the Sancharam in New Jersey. with Tirumanjanam to Lakshmi Hayagriva and Swami Deshikan, and recital of Tiruvaaymozhi and Deshika stotrams.
Sri Jayanti Celebrations at Charlotte Ashram. Sept 6, 2023
Sri Jayanti was celebrated in a grand manner at the Ashram. The evening function included a tirumanjanam for all the Deities, followed by Shattrumurai and Teertha Parasadam. The function was attended by close to 40 devotees. It was also livestreamed.
Yajur Upakarmam Services offered at Charlotte Ashram . Aug 1, 2023
Upakarmam Services were offered by the Charlotte Ashram on Aug 1, 2023. More than a dozen local devotees received these traditional religious services in the morning. These were followed by the performance of the Adhyayayana Homam by the priest in which all the devotees participated.
Tiruvaadippooram Celebrations 2023 at Parakala Mutt Branches
Tiruvaadipporam, the Tirunakshatram of Sri Andal (Goda Devi) was celebrated at all the Parakala Mutt Branches in a grand manner with Abhishekam, Divya Prabandha Paarayanam and in some cases, Goda kalyanam. The functions were performed on July 22 in India and on July 21 in the US as per the local calendar. A few photographs from the functions at Bengaluru, Tooppul , and and Charlotte, USA can be seen by going to the links given below. Also links to the YouTube videos of the Paraynam at Bengaluru and a 3-D presentation of the Kannadi Sevai (Darshanam with Mirrors) show) are also given below.
LINK TO Bengaluru and Tooppul functions
LINK to the YouTube Video of the Parayanam at Bengaluru
LINK to Charlotte, USA function
LINK to the YouTube Video from Charlotte, USA
Nammazhvaar & Abhinava Ranganathar Tirunakshatrams Celebrations.
Nammazhvar’s Tirunakshatram was celebrated on June 2, 2023 with a week-long Prabandham recitations at Mysuru Mutt and the branches.
Srimad Abhinava Ranganatha Brahmatantra Swatantra Mahadeshikan* Tirunakshatram was celebrated as usual in a grand manner with Veda prabandha recitations on June 20, 2023 at Mysuru Mutt and all branches.
*(LINK to This Acharyan‘s Biography)
Sri Bhashyakarar & Maha Parakala Swamy Tirunakshatrams Celebrations at Parakala Mutt. April 25, 2023
Sri Bhashyakarar and Maha Parakala Swamy Tirunakshatrams were celebrated at Parakala Mutt, Mysuru, and at the Bengaluru and other Branches on April 25, 2023. For some photos from the celebrations from Bengaluru, see the Link below. For videos from the celebrations, please see the Parakala Matham Facebook at the link shown below.
Link to Sri Parakala Matham Facebook
Acharya Tirunakshatra Celebrations at Parakala Ashram, Charlotte, NC, USA. , April 15 – 25, 2023
Parakala Mutt USA is celebrating Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Maha Desikan’s (Prakrutham Acharyan) Thirunakshatram from April 15th to 19th and Sri Bhasyakarar Thirunakshatram celeberation from April 21st to 25th at Parakala Mutt Charlotte, NC.
Daily Arulicheyal Parayanam will be recited at the Parakala Mutt Charlotte, Bhagavathas are requested to join the goshthi and get the blessing of Sri Lakshmi Hayagrivar, Azhwars and Acharyan.
Daily Timings and livestream link will be announced on WhatsApp Group
HH Tirunakshatram
Bhashaykarar Tirunakshatram
HH Srimad Parakala Swamy Tirunakshatram Celebrations.
April 15-19, 2023
HH Srimad Abhinav Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala MahaDeshikan’s Tirunakshatram falls on Chittirai Revati, i.e, on April 19, 2023. Celebrations at Mysore Parakala Mutt will begin on April 15 and continue for five days. The celebrations will include daily parayanams of Veda, Vishnu sahasranamam and other scriptures as well as performance of homams. Similar functions will be held at the various Mutt Branches also. Devotees are invited to come attend these functions and receive the Acharyan’s blessings.
Ahvana Patrika for the Mysuru Mutt Function:
From Mysuru Mutt
From the Branches
Tiru Adhyayanotsavm 2022-23. Announcement from Bengaluru Mutt. Dec 26, 2022 -Jan 17, 2023
Annual Adhayayana utsavam at Bengaluru Parakala Mutt will start this year on Dec 26 and will end on Jan 17, 2023. The utsavam includes daily Parayanam of Nalayira Divya Prabandham, Deshika Prabandham and Veda by the bhagavata goshthi, as well as Vaikuntha Ekadashi, Andal Tirukkalyanam , and Makara Sankranthi celebrations. There will be daily bhagavata tadeeyaradhanam on all parayanam days, and Daily upanyasams during the Irappatu (Jan 5-13)period. For the detailed program, please see the link below. All are requested to come and participate in the celebrations.
Tiru Adhyayanotsavm at Parakala Matham, USA. Celebrated at Seattle, WA. Dec 25, 2022 – Jan 16, 2023
Parakala Lakshmihayagriva Mission, USA is happy to announce the Celebration of the Annual Tiru Adhyayanotsovam from Dec 25, 2023 – Jan 16, 2023 at Seattle, WA. The utsavam will include Veda- Divya Prabandha Parayanam by bhagavata goshthi. For details of the Parayanam program, please see the link below. Bhagavatas in the Seattle area who are desirous of participating in the utsavam may please contact Sri Swaroop Sridhar (swaroop.sridhar at gmail.com) for venue and timings. It is planned to live-stream the function throughout the utsavam.
We appeal to devotees at Seattle and elsewhere to support the 21-day utsavam activities through sponsorships at $200 per day or “yathA shakti” contributions. Payment may be made by check at the function or online by going to the PAYMENT LINK.
Update after the function
The 21-day utsavam was participated by an enthusiastic local goShThi. PerumAL’s alankaram was superb every day, thanks to the imaginative skill of Sri Ranganathar Bhatttar. The utsavam was live streamed on all the 21-days.
Kaliyan & Tiruppanazhvar Tirunakshatrams & Tirukkartigai Celebrations at Bangalore Parakala Mutt, Dec 5-8, 2022
The azhvar Tirunakshatrams and the the Tirukkartigai function were celebrated in a grand manner at the Bangalore Parakala Mutt during Dec 5-8, 2022. The celebrations included daily Divya Prabandha parayanams, and a series of 5 daily upanyasams by scholars (in coordination with TTD, Tirupati), to mark the tirunakshatrams of Sri Kaliyan and Tiruppanazhvar, followed by Deepotsavam and Dolotsavam for Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva on Dec 8.
Tiru Kaliyan & Tiruppaanazhvar TNs and Tirukkartigai Celebrations, Seattle, Dec 2-7, 2022 (Parakala Matham, USA)
Parakala Matham, USA Celebrated the tirunakshatram of Kaliyan and TiruppaNazhvar during Dec 2- 6 at Seattle, WA where PerumAL and Parivaram have just started a 2-month long sancharam of the US Pacific Northwest. Also, Tirukkartikai was celebrated on Dec 7, marking Kaishika Dwadashi and the tirunakshatram of TiruppaaNazhvar. The celebrations included Tirumanjanam for PerumAL and Azhvar acharyas, daily parayanam of the Periya Tirumozhi and Periya Shattrumurai on Dec 7 accompanied by a “pannirandu Arathi” for PerumAL. The celebrations were participated by an enthusiastic goshthi. They were also livestreamed.
Pratishtapanam & Annual Swamy Deshikan Avabhruta Snanam Utsavam at Satyagalam. Nov 11-13, 2022
Pratishtapana Mahotsavams of Sri Seetha Rama-Lakshmana-Anjaneyar at Anjaneyar Sannidhi and Moolavar of Vishvaksenar, Andal and also of utsava Moortis of Azhvars at Sri Kote Varadaraja Swami PerumAL Kovil at Satyagalam, Karnataka were celebrated on Nov 11, 2022. Also, the Annual Tulamasa Utsavam of Swamy Deshikan Avabhruta Snanam was celebrated in a grand manner on November 13, 2022 at Sri Kote Varadraja Swamy Temple in the august presence of our Acharya Srimad Abinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Mahadeshikan. A large group of devotees participated in the celebrations.
Navaratri and Swami Deshikan Tirunakshataram celebrations, Parakala Matham, USA, Sept 26 – October 6, 2022
The nine-day Navaratri Utasavam culminating in the grand celebration of the Tirunakshatram of Swami Deshikan on the Vijaya Dashami day Dec 6, 2022 were observed while Sri Lakshmi Hayagrivar, of Parakala Matham, USA was on sancharam in the Cincinnati area. There was Tirumanjanam for PerumAL, Swami Deshikan accompanied by parayanam of Divya Pprabandham and Padukasahasram on the colorful occasion. The Tirunakshatram celebration was livestreamed.
Swami Vedanta Deshika 754th thirunakshatra utsavam, Sri Parakala Mutt Thoopul, 2022
Shubakrut Samvatsara Purattasi Shravanam – Thoopul Swami Desikan visits Sri Parakala Mutt.
As part of the first day of the varshika thirunakshathra mahothsavam, the first Mandagappadi of Swami Desikan happened at Sri Parakala Swami Mutt, Thooppul on 26th September. Honours were submitted to Swami Desikan on behalf of Sri Parakala Swami. Thoopul Pillai Swami Desikan’s anugrahams were offered to Swami Nainarachar and Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Jeeyar of Sri Parakala swami Mutt.
Link for the photos & Youtube link below:
Srimad Poundarikapuram Andavan mangalashasanam at Sri Lakshmi Hayagreevan sannidhi, Bengaluru Mutt, September 2022
Srimad Poundarikapuram Andavan Sri Srinivasa Gopala Mahadesikan after Chaturmasya poorthi, vijayam to Bengaluru & performed Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva – Sri Seeta Ramachandra swami mangalashasanam at Sri Parakala Mutt on 21st September, 2022. Link to photos attached below
Sri Ramanujadayapatra Thaniyan avatara utsavam, Sri Parakala Mutt, Sri Thoopul Kanchipuram, 2022
Sri Ramanujadapatra thaniyan utsavam was celebrated grandly at Sri Parakala Mutt, Thoopul. Swami Thoopul Desikan bahumanams & divine anugrahamas were offered to Sri Kumara Varadacharyar & Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra jeeyar. Visesha sevakala sathumurai was held. Link to photos below
Sri Ramanujadayapatra Thaniyan avatara utsavam, Melkote, August 2022
Avani Hastam marks the avataram of Sri Ramanujadayapatra thaniyan composed on Swami Vedanta Deshika by Sri Bramatantra Swatantra Parakala Swami, the direct disciple of Swami. Grand utsavam was celebrated at Melkote Swami Desikan sannidhi. Link to photos below
At Parakala Ashram Charlotte, NC. Friday Aug 20, 2022
Sri Krishna Jayanti Celebrations
Five-Day Tiruvaazhmozhi & Veda Parayanam begins on Aug 15. Continues daily at 6 PM
Festival Celebration on Saturday Aug 20: Tirumanjanam, Vedadi Shattrumurai, Teertha prasadam: Begins at the Ashram at Evening 6 PM. Program will be on Live stream.
At Mysuru Parakala Mutt: Friday,August 19, 2022
Sri Krishna Jayanti Celebration.
At Parakala Ashram at Charlotte, NC. Aug 11 and 12, 2022
Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva Jayanthi and Upakarmam:
Thursday, August 11, 2022 &
Gayatri Japam: Friday, August 12
With Lakshmi Hayagrivaâs Krupa and Acharya Anugraham, we will be celebrating Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva Jayanti and Upakarmam functions at the Ashram on Thursday August 11 and Gayatri Japam on Friday, August 12. Five days of Veda/Divya Prabandham will start on Sunday, August 7 at Raleigh where PerumAL would be on sancharam. The Parayanam will continue at the Charlotte Ashram daily at 6 PM from Monday August 9, after PerumAL returns on the evening of Aug 8. Abishekam for Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva will be performed on the morning of August 11.
All are invited to visit the Ashram and receive the blessings of Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva Swami.
Devotees may sponsor the abhishekam by contributing yatha shakti in donation to the Ashram. Sankalpam in their names will be performed at 8 AM. They are requested to be present at that time if they wish to participate in the sankalpam.
Upakarmam function will be starting at 12 Noon on Aug 11. To register for participation in it, please contact Sri Ranganath Srinivasa
Thiruvadipooram Upanyasam – TTD Alwar Divyaprabandha project, Bengaluru mutt 30th July – 1st August 2022
Photos from the event can be viewed from the below G photos link https://photos.app.goo.gl/9wwhRVCCeeZK3Btw7
Srimad Abhinava Ranganatha Brahmatantra Swatatantra Parakala Swami thirunakshatram 2022
Sathyagalam Kote Sri Varadaraja Perumal Brahmotsavam 2022
Tirunakshatrams Celebrations at Mysore Mutt. April 24 – May 5, 2022
There will be 12 days of celebrations, at the Mysore Mutt, of the tirunakshatrams of 5 acharyas including Prakrutam Acharya Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Parakala Mahadeshikan on April 29, and the tirunakshatrams of Bhagavad Ramanujar and Sri Maha Parakala Swamy (21st Peetadhipati) on May 5, 2022. There will be Abhishekam for Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva, veda-divya prabandha-Ithihasa-Purana – Sribhashyadi Grantha parayanams, as well as performance of several special homas during this period. Shishyas and devotees are welcome to participate in all these divine activities and receive the blessings of acharyas and Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva.
LINK TO PHOTOS of Acharya Tirunakshatram, April 29
LINK TO PHOTOS of Bhashyakarar & Periya Parakala Swamy Tirunakshatrams, May 5
Tirunakshatram Celebrations at Parakala Ashram, Charlotte, NC, USA, April 26 -May 5, 2022
The Parakala Mutt Shree Lakshmi Hayagreeva Perumal will be back in Charlotte from US Sancharam on 25th April 2022.
Prakrutam Aacharyan (Srimad Abhinava Vaagesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Mahadeshikan) Thiru Nakshatram is being celebrated in a Public Function on 30th April Saturday 2022.
Venue: Vivek Hall Hindu Center 7400 City View Dr, Charlotte NC
Timings: 7AM to 4 PM.
Veda/Deshika Stotra Parayanams continue daily from April 25 – 30 at the Ashram during AM/PM
Out Station Bhagavatas can contact Ranganath Swami at 9173797784 or Srini Ramanujan at 7046998633 for accommodation, drop and pick up from CLT Airport.
Bhagavad Ramanuja Tirunakshatram will be celebrated on May 5, 2022 at the Ashram.
Veda & Divya Prabandha Parayanams will continue from April 30 – May 5 AM/PM at the Ashram
LINK TO PHOTOS from the functions
SamprokShanam & Pratishthai at Parakala Mutt, Azhvar Tirunagari. Feb 21, 2022
With our Acharyan & Sri Lakshmi Hayagreevar Anugraham ,the Maha Samprokshanam of our Mutt Sri Desikar Sannidhi ,along with the Sri Lakshmi Hayagreevar Utsavar Vigraham Pratishtai at Sri Azhwar Thirunagari , (one among the Nava Thirupathi â Divya Desams) , near Thirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, is fixed on Monday, 21-02-2022 morning.( Subject to the Rules & Regulations of Covid Restrictions of Tamil Nadu Govt. prevailing at that time). The Function is being graced by the presence of our Acharyan, Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Mahadeshikan.
All our Mutt Sishyaas, Abhimanis, Sevarthigal, General Public are requested to participate in the above Maha Samprokshanam & to receive the Blessings of our Acharyan & Sri Lakshmi Hayagreevar.
Please note that since our Mutt is situated in a small village, all shishyas/devotees, who wish to participate in the above samprokshanam are requested to make their own accommodation & travel arrangements.
FOR VIDEOS, visit Parakala Matham Facebook
Vishnu Sahasranama Parayanam at Mysuru Mutt
February 12, 2022 (Bheeshma Ekadashi)
The Annual Sri Lakshmi Hayagreevan Homa is on 23rd January 2022 at Sri Lakshmi Hayagreevan Sannidhi, Opp to Majestic Bus Terminus, Bangalore. Due to COVID restrictions, the homa would be conducted with only priests, all have to watch in YouTube live. Sankalpa will be done on 23rd morning 8am.
Online booking available from our online pooja seva forumđhttps://forms.gle/Xg1jK6vCAMVeLiX4A
LIVE Daily Thiruppaavai Upanyasams
From 15th December 2021 TO 14th January 2022

25th December 2021 -16th January 2022
11/1/202- Koodaarai Vellum Seer Utsavam
13/1/2022 – Sri Andal Thiru Kalyana Utsavam at
Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva â Sri Seetha Ramachandra Swami Sannidhi

Those who want to participate and sponsor for Adhyayana Utsavam bhaagawata Thatheeyaradhane, âKoodarai Vellumâ utsavam, Sri Andaal Thirukkalyana Utsavam, please register your details and contribute through the online link below
As per Acharya nirdEshanam, we will be celebrating this year’s Tiru Adhyayanotsavam of Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva of Parakala Ashram, Charlotte, NC from Dec 25, 2021 – Jan 15, 2022 .This year, the utsavam will take place in Seattle, WA, where PerumAL is currently in sancharam. The utsavam schedule is broadly as follows.
Pagalpattu:: Dec 25, 2021 – Jan 3, 2021
Irappattu: Jan 4 – Jan 13, 2022
Nammazhvar Moksham: Jan 13, 2022
Iyarpa: Jan 15, 2022
See the PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT for more details. The celebrations will be on ZOOM. The link will be provided to all those on our mailing list / WhatsApp group closer to the date of commencement of the celebrations. All are invited to participate in the celebrations and receive the blessings of Acharyas and the Divya Dampatis. Please note that this year as per the nirdEshanam of HH Srimad Parakala Swami, the Divya Prabandham recitalwill be in-person ONLY at PerumAL and Azhvar Sannidhi at Seattle. Bhagavatas, however, may recite at their own locations along with the goshthi, but with their microphones muted.
There will also be daily Paraayanam of Taittireeya Brahmanam from 2 – 3 PM PST during the period Dec 25 – Jan 13. This paarayanam will be online on interactive ZOOM. Bhagavatas interested in participating in this recital may please contact Sri Srinivas Khedam at skhedam at yahoo.com.
The function was celebrated in a grand way, even though limited to a small goshthi because of COVID19 restrictions. The high point of the utsavam was the enactment of Azhvaar MokSham on Jan 13. The entire utsavam was live streamed.
Mahasamprokshana of Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva Swami Sannidhi and Sri Seetha Ramachandra Swami Sannidhi at Sri Parakala Swami Mutt was performed on 28th October 2021 in the adhyaksha of Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Swami. Following the samprokshana, the Mandalabhishekam of these sannidhis is being done from 31-Oct-2021 to 17-Dec-2021. Bhagawathas willing to contribute or take part in this mandalabhishekam can register/book through the below link by specifying the date they choose and also give their details for sankalpam.
Donors from within India – Please follow the instructions here for donating – https://forms.gle/XfFcnaFhDKCDz3fHA
Donors from outside India
Contact Sri Ramesh Talkad at [email protected] for instructions. Alternately, you can send your contribution as a âGeneral Donationâ to our US Affiliate, PLM, USA by going to the general PAYMENT PAGE
Parakala Ashram & Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva Sannidhi, Charlotte, NC will be celebrating the Tirunakshatra Mahotsavam of Swamy Deshikan as a ten-day function, beginning from the Tirunakshatram Day, (Shravanam) October 14. This year, the Celebrations will be in Seattle, WA where our Dolai PerumAL Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva is currently on Sancharam till mid January 2022. The celebrations will include an extensive recital of Tiruvaazhmozhi, and prabandhams, granthams and stotrams composed by Swamy Deshikan. We welcome the area bhaagavata goshthi to participate in these recitals and make the celebrations a grand success and receive the blessings of Acharyas and Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva.
For the venue, detailed recitation schedule and syllabus for paarayanam, please follow the link given below
LINK TO 10-Day Parayanam Program
For any additional information, please contact Sri Swaroop Sridhar (swaroop.sridhar at gmail.com)
Report on 111th Thirunakshatra Mahotsava celebrations of Srimad Abhinava Ramanuja Brahmatantra Swatantra Swami (35th Peethathipathi)
The 111th tirunakshatram of 35th Parakala Swami – Srimad Abhinava Ramanuja Brahmatantra Swatantra Swami, Bhadrapada Shravana was celebrated in a grand manner at Sri Brahmatantra-Swatantra Parakalaswamy Matham – Mysore, under the direct auspices of our AchArya-sarvabhouma – Srimad Abhinava-Vageesha Brahmatantra-Swatantra Parakalaswamy.
The celebrations started on 12th September, with the commencement of chaturveda-divyaprabandha-granthachatushtaya-itihasa purana parayanams by Srikaryakarta of our Matham Sri. U. Ve Annadur Veeraraghavacharya Swami.
The newly formed Central Committee, under the guidance of Srikaryam Swami, had made very elaborate arrangements with special parayanams, puja, decorations and vishesha bhagawatha thadeeyaradhana on all days. Veda scholars of different shakas from several divyadesams like Tirupati, Srirangam, Thiruvaheendrapuram, Mysore, Srirangapatna participated on all days. Divya prabandha adhikaris from Chennai and Mysore recited the chandamigu thamizh marai and Desika Prabandhams. Aandal goshti and Srivaishnavas from Mysore participated in large numbers everyday in reciting Paduka Sahasram and Purvacharya Stotras. Andal goshti fully supported in performing Sahasra Deepalankara seva every evening from 12th to 17th September.
On 16th and 17th September 2021, special homams were performed by Upa-Srikaryakarta Sri U Ve Swachandam Anantarangacharya Swami. The purnahuti was done in the august presence of our Acharya Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Swami.
Thirumanjanam, special alankara and Archana were performed to Sri Lakshmi Hayagreevan and Srimad Abhinava Ramanuja Swami. Conclusion of all grantha parayanas were done with periya satrumarai and sripada teertham with Hundreds of sishyas participating in the sevakala-satrumarai. Vishesha tadeeyaradhanam was conducted on all days.
Day wise photos and Videos of the Thirunakshatra Mahotsava can be viewed at :
Day 1 (12-Sep-2021): https://photos.google.com/u/1/album/AF1QipOShZrRPauKs3WQUHB_C8s78nWiJvmu5sYeDfY
Day 2 (13-Sep-2021): https://photos.google.com/u/1/album/AF1QipO9balD9jrngsDPr5tr25MeYmX_boh__Xh9uEE
Day 3 (14-Sep-2021): https://photos.google.com/u/1/album/AF1QipOzos9UaFte_fOK-uTDXgzjL4xb6pUe6m6TyyA
Day 4 (15-Sep-2021) : https://photos.google.com/u/1/album/AF1QipM8HaE3okWMH8Sp8KKheQoAguMpsKdlJLKvLNs
Day 5 (16-Sep-2021) : https://photos.google.com/u/1/album/AF1QipPnohx_eoO5tJ5pFmDGGQ1WC96Z4Gd3ZGHLtaA
Day 6 (17-Sep-2021/Bhadrapada Shravanam) : https://photos.google.com/u/1/album/AF1QipNSNPX5G4OMTiJcaXM4z8LHJyE_B-rruDCKLJQ
Sep 17, 2021.: Srimad Abhinava Ramanuja Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakalaswamy (35th Peethadhipati) Tirunakshtra Mahotsavam
The 111th Thirunakshatram of Srimad Abhinava Ramanuja Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakalaswamy (35th Peethadhipati) is on Sep 17, 2021. As per the niyamanam of prakrutam Srimad Parakalaswamy, this is planned to be celebrated in a grand manner. As per the instructions of our Acharya, the Central Committee that has been formed for the operations of mutt throughout India, would be coordinating this Tirunakshatra celebrations.
We are happy to invite the sishyas and abhimanis of Sri Parakalaswamy Matham to join and celebrate this Tirunakshatra Mahotsavam, planned from Sep 15th to Sep 17th, 2021 at Mysore Mutt (H.Q.). Please find the details in the attached invitation & Programme and the Instructions for devotees who wish to make contributions to the celebrations. We seek the support and participation from one and all.
With Humble Pranamams,
Central Committee, Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakalaswamy Matham
Sept 7- 9 , 2019: Annual Ramanuja Dayaapaatram Utsavam
The “Ramanuja Dayapatram” utsavam is celebrated every year to mark the creation of this Thaniyan of Swamy Deshikan by his first disciple Srimad Brahmatantra Jeer and which is now recited at the bginning of the recital of all Tamizh Divya prabandhams. The celebrations take place on a grand scale ever year particularly at Swamy Deshikan’s birth place Thoopul (at his sannidhi as well as the Mutt which he established) and Melukote in Karnataka where the thaniyan was composed and first recited. This year was no exception. The functions included utsavams, Veda Parayanams and divya prabandham recitations by large goShthis. Some of the photos from these utsavams from Thoopul Mutt and Melkote can be seen from the link below.
Sept 2, 3, 2021: Periyaazhvaar Tirumozhi Goshthi Parayanam at Mysuru Mutt. 5 PM- 7 PM

1. GhoShthi in Parayanam
2. Acharyan performing Mangalarathi to PerumAL
Aug 30, 2021 Sri Krishna Jayanthi Celebration at the Mutt and Branches
Sri Krishna Jayanthi was celebrated at all the Mutt Branches to mark the Avataaram of Sri Krishna. Evening Tirumanjanam to Sri Krishna and the other Mutt Deities was conducted with a Grand Harati Shaattrumurai sevai. A photo Album of selected photos from the Headquarters at Mysuru and several other Branches can be seen by going to the Link below.
Aug 21, 2021 Sri Hayagreeva Jayanthi & Upakarmam Celebrations at Mutt and Branches
Sri Hayagreeva Jayanthi was celebrated in a grand manner at the Mysore Mutt and all the branches of the Mutt. The celebrations included Tirumanjanam to Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva. Also since this day coincided with Rg-Yajur Upakarmama, Adhyayana Homa was also conducted in some cases. These functions were attended by devotees, of course with due attention to observaing the present Covid restrictions. Selected photos from the Branches are included in an Album which can be seen by going to the Link below.
Aug 13, 2021 NAchiyAr Tirumozhi pArAyaNam at Sri Parakala Mutt, Mysuru.
On the occasion of TiruvADippUram, there was a recital of NAcciyAr Tirumozhi by the PArayaNam gOShThi at the Mysuru Mutt. There were around 120- 150 participants in the recital. There were also people doing their Prapatti at this time. So, it was a memorable experience. Also, we started Makkala Nitya Parayana Goshti. Every day, we will start with a child reciting a stotram before Vishnu Sahasranamam parayanam.
On this occasion of Thiruvadi pooram, as an additional attraction, the children enacted “Thiruvadipooram Vaibhavam”, a skit in Kannada celebrating the life of GodAdEvi (ANDAL).
LINK TO PHOTOS from the PArAyaNam.
August 6, 2021. Srimadabhinava Ranganatha Brahmatantra Swatantra Mahadeshikan Tirunakshatram Celebration at Mysuru Mut.
Srimad Abhinava Ranganatha Brahmatantra Swami, the 33rd Peethadhipathi of the Mutt, was one of the most illustrious of the peethadhipatis in the lineage of the Parakala Mutt Poorvacharyas. He was an outstanding saint, scholar, author and a Teacher. He surrounded himsel with an impressive group of shishyas, scholars and bhagavatas. For the Taniyan and a brief biography of the Swami, Please see The “33rd ACHARYA” page on this site.
‘The Link below gives a few photos from the celebrations at Mysuru and Thoopul Mutt. It also gives a few rare photos associated with Srimad Abhinava Ranganatha Mahadeshikan Swami.
July 30, 2021 Revathi NakShatram: “PAdukAsahasram” PArAyaNam at Mysuru Mutt.
ParAyaNam Time: 10.30 AM- 1.30 PM, 2.30PM – 5.30 PM; TadIyArAdhanai: 1.30 PM – 2.20 PM
Mangalarathi to Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva before the Parayanam started.
HH Srimad Parakaa Swamy Chaturmasya Sankalpa Vratam at Mysuru, Mutt, July 25, 2021.

be sent to the Mutt address at Mysuru.
Daily Vishnu Sahasranaama Tele Parayanam by Mysuru Parakala Mutt group beginning July 1, 2021, at 6.00 PM
With the Anugraham of our Acharyan and being encouraged by the enthusiastic participation of over 75 bhagavatas in the recent Tele-Parayanam of Paadukasahasram, the organizers are starting the daily evening Parayanam of Sri Vishnusahasranamam over the tele-bridge from July 1, 2021. WhatsApp group messages will be sent by the organizers to all the bhagavats on the list for detailed instructions on how to participate in the parayanams. It is hoped that the bhagavatas will participate in these parayanams with the same degree of enthusiasm and receive the blessings of Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva. It is hoped that with Acharya Anugraham, these paraynams will continue as in-person Parayanams at the Mysuru Mutt after the pandemeic restrictions are lifted.
Paadukaasahasra Parayanam at Mysuru (On Tele Bridge) on ShravaNam, Monday May 31, 2021, 11.00 AM â 4.30 PM
With the Anugraham of our Acharyan and Sri Lakshmi Hayagrivar, there was a very successful tele-parayanam of Swami Deshikanâs Paaadukaasahasram, enthusiastically participated by over 70 participants. This function became possible due to the untiring efforts of Sri Dayanand Alwar who is visiting Mysuru from San Diego, USA and several local shishyas. It is our hope that this utsavam will be the forerunner of several such parayanams to be arranged at the Mysuru Mutt premises in the coming months after the restictions due to the COVID 19 are lifted. Please see the LINK for more details.
HH Maha Parakala Swamy Tirunakshatram on May 15, 2021 â Special Upanyasam series May 14 â 16.
The Tirunakshatram of Srimad Maha Parakala swamy (Peria Parakala Swamy), the 21st Peethadhipati is on Vishaaka, Aridra. It falls on falls on May 15, 2021. Special upanyasams relevant to the occasion by scholars are arranged on May 14, 15 and 16. For More details and Youtube links to the Upanyasams, CLICK HERE
HH Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Mahadeshikan â Prakrutam Swamy- Tirunakshatram Celebration at Bangalore Mutt. â May4-9, 2021. Daily Paarayanam and Upanyasam.
Follow FACEBOOK for Daily Tele-Parayanam and Upanyasam Details and Upanyasam Videos
Bhagavad Ramanuja & Peria Parakala Swany Tirunakshatrams Celebration at Bangalore Parakala Mutt. April 14 â 18, 2021
Bhagavad Ramanuja Jayanti and Periya Parakala Swamy Tirunakshatrams were celebrated at the Mutt on April 18, 2021. With Sri Parakalaswamy niyamanan and as Sri Lakshmi Hayagreevan mukha ullaasa kaikaryam, Sri Parakalamatham Bangalore conducted tele-paaraayanam from 14th April 2021 till 18th April 2021 on this occasion. There was a tele- upanyasam on April 18 titled, âEMBERUMAANAAR VAIBHAVAMâ by Pravachana Bhushanam Sri U.Ve. Vaduvoor Veeraraghavacharya Swami.
April 28, 2020
Bhagvad Ramanuja and Maha Parakala Swamy Tirunakshatram Celebrations at Mysore Mutt, April 28, 2020 The 1003 rd Janma Dinam of Bhagavaad Ramanujacharya was celebrated on the April 28, 2020 at the Mysore Mutt. The functions were participated by a small number of essential Mutt staff and shishyas because of the current COVID-19 restrictions on gatherings of people. There were, however recitals and upanyasams arranged on line and over the telephone bridge for several days preceding the Tirunakshatram day. These were participated enthusiastically by a large number of devotees remotely from their own locations. The day also coincided with the Tirunakshatram of HH Maha Parkala Swamy (the 21st Peethadhipati) adding further significance to the celebrations for the shishya community. Details of upanyasams and tele-parayanams were disseminated over social networks to the devotees. For a few photos and videos from the occasion, please go to the following links. PHOTOS VIDEOS
April 18-22, 2020
HH Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Mahadeshikan Tirunakshatram Celebrations
HH Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Mahadeshikanâs Tirunakshatram will be celebrated on Wednesday, April 22, 2020 at Sri Parakala Mutt at Mysuru and all its branches. On account of the prevailing nation-wide lock-down in force at this time, there will be no gatherings of devotees at any of the locations. Instead. Sri Parakala Swami Mutt is organising E-Thirunakshatram Celebrations from April 18 -22, with telepaaraayana arrangement for bhagawathas to join and participate in recital and also web-telecast from Mysore and Bangalore Mutts. For details of the parayanam schedule, how you can join, and the syllabus of recitals, please CLICK here.
The Tirunakshtram celebration went as planned. One hundred to two hundred devotees participated in the recitals over the tele-bridge daily. Photographs and videos have been posted on the Muttâs Facebook page. An album containing a limited number of photos and a few video clips can be seen by going to the following links.
Jan & Feb 2020
Bengaluru Parakala Mutt activities during Jan & Feb 2020
Bengaluru Parakala Mutt has been very busy during the last 2 months in a number of activities:
Dec 26 -Jan16: Annual Adhyayanotsavam with Vaikuntha Ekadashi on Jan 6 and Nammazhvar Moksham on Jan 14 was participated by close to 300 reciters of Nalayira Divya prabandham, DeshikaPrabandham and the Vedas. During the ira Pattu period, there were uapanyasamas by Sri U.Ve. Sridhar Acharya and U.Ve. Sri Vaduvur Veeraraghavacharya.. There was Bhagavata Tadeeyaradhani every day during the 21-day festival.
Jan14: Andal Kalyanam was celebrated in a grand manner.
HH Srimad Parakala Swamy arrived in Bengaluru towards the end of December. He administered Samashrayanam to several devotees.
The annual Hayagriva Homam was celebrated in grand manner in 2 sessions this year on Feb 9 and 16, with HH Parakala Swamy performing the Poornaahuti on both occasions. There were about 1300 students who participated in these homams and over 2000 people attended each session.
HH Parakala Swamy has also been participating in Hayagreeva Dolotsavams at devotee homes during his visit to Bengaluru this time. He is likely to return to Mysuru around the 24th of this month.
A large number of photos and videos of the above activities have already been circulated via WhatsApp. A selected set of photos in a Google Album can be seen at
Aug 23, 2019
Sri Krishna Jayanti Celebrations at Mysore Mutt and Branches
Sri Krishna Jayanti was celebrated on Aug 23 in a grand manner at the Mysoe Mutt, as well as several of its branches. The celebrations included beautiful decorations with abharanams and toranams. Tirumanjanam was performed to Sri Krishna and a variety of bhakshanams were offeed to the the Divine Child at all these celebrations. An assorted collection of photos taken at these functions can be seen by visiting the KRISHNA JAYANTI ALBUM
Aug 14, 2019
Hayagagriva Jayanti Celebrations
Hayagriva Jayanti was enthusiatically celebrated at Parakala Mutt, Mysore and at all the muttâs branches, including the recently started Parakal Ashram at Charlotte, Noth Carolina, USA. For an album of assoted photos from these celebrations, please see:
Photos from Mysuru, Bengaluru and Tuppul
Photos from Charlotte, USA
July 28, 2019
HH Parakala Swamiâs Chaturmasya Vratam and other important events during the next five months (July-November 2019) at Mysuru.
HH Srimad Parakala Swami will be performing his 28th Chaturmasya Sankalpa Vratam starting from the Sunday, the 28th of July till Saturday the 14th September at Parakala Mutt, Mysuru.. Further, during the months of July â November, several important functions will be celebrated at the Mutt. These include Sri Hayagriva Jayanti, Swami Desikan Tirunakshatram, and the tirunakshatrams of several past acharyas. For the Programme and Invitation, please see
Programmme Announcements in Kannada and English
May 1 â June 30, 2019
Tirunakshatram Celebrations at Mysuru Mutt during May and June 2019
May and June are busy months at the Mysuru Parakala Mutt celebrating several tirunakshatrams and utsavams. These include the Tirunakshatram of our Prastuta Acharyan HH Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Parakala Mahadeshikan on May 3, and the Tirunakshatrams of Bhagavat Ramunajacharya and Srimad HH Mahaparakala Swamy (21st Peethadhipathi) on May 9 and other tirunakshatrams. For the full list of Tirunakshatrams and utsavams, please CLICK HERE.
Charlotte TN Photos Link
March 27-29, 2019
HH Tirumala-Tirupati Vijaya Yatra March 27-29, 2019
HH Srimad Vagisha Bhrahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Mahadeshikan had a grand Vijaya Yatra to Tirupati and Tirumala during the last week of March 2019. During this vijaya yatra, heoffered mangalashasanams to Sri Padmavati Tayar, Sri Srinivasar at Tirumala and Sri Govindarajar at Tirupati. He was received with full honors by the temple authorities at all these venues.He also visited the Parakala Mutts at Tirupati and Tirumala and performed mangalashasanams at the Sri Lakshmi-Hayagriva Sannidhis there. He received HH Azhagiyasingar of Ahobila Mutt who was also visiting Tirumala during this period. It was a devine sight to see the two acharyas together performing mangalashasanams to Maleyappa Swamy at HIs utsavam on the Mada Street in Tirumala. Over 700 shishyas accompanying HH Parakala Swamy in this Vijaya Yatra enjoyed the great and unique opportunity of having the darshanam of Sri Srinivasa and the other archa moorthys.
For photos from the Yatra, please visit the links below:
March 16-20, 2019
Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Swami will be on Vijaya yatra to Srirangam between 16th and 22nd February. *Sri Parakalaswamy would be doing divya mangalaasasanam to Sri Ranganayaki thayaar and Sri Ranganatha swamy on 19/Feb/2019*. Sisyas and bhaktas can get the anugraham of Sri Parakala Swamy and Sri Lakshmi Hayagreevan at Sri Vedanta Desikan Tirumaaligai, Sri Bramhatantraswatantra Parakalaswamy Mutt, 116, North Uttara Veedi, Srirangam. Bhagavatas travelling from outstations are requested to book their accommodation as early as possible at places available in and around Srirangam. Bhaagavata Thateeyaradhanai is arranged at mutt on all days during Swamyâs Vijaya yatra.
HH returned to Mysore after the grand Vijayaratra. A large group of shishyas and abhimanis attended aswmyâs mangalashasanam at the Srirangam temple. For photos, see the Gallery..For videos from the Vijayayatra, please CLICK HERE.
Jan 27, 2019
Hayagriva Homam at Bengaluru Parakala Mutt and at other Cities and Towns in 2019
The annual Hayagriva Homam will be performed at Bengaluru Parakala Mutt on Janue, , participate in the function and perform the Poornahuti with his own hands.
Poornahuti Video can be seen at https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=26&v=OWE5J4lSVyY.
Dec 27, 2018 â Jan 17, 2019
Tiru Adhyayanotsavam at Bengaluru Parakala Mutt Dec 27, 2018 â Jan 1, 2019
The Eighth Annual Tiru Adhyayanotsavam was celebrated from Dec 26, 2018 â January 27, 2019 at the Bengaluru Parakala Mutt. The utsavam went very well by all standards. The participation was in excess of 300 reciters on many days, which included in addition to the prabandha goshthi, a very sizable veda goshti in the Rk, Yajur and Samvedas. On all the twenty one days of the recital, the participants enjoyed the tadiyaradhanam after the recital and shattrumurai.
Other highlights of the utsavam was a Book Release function and a ten-day upanyasam series on Tiruvazhmozhi by by *Pravachana Bhushanamâ Sri U Ve Vaduvoor Veeraraghavacharya Swami.
All aspects of the function went very well, thanks to the generous financial contributions from the devotees and the outstanding work of the organizers and volunteers.
For more details, photos and links to the upanyasam audio records, please CLICK HERE
Nov 9 â 11, 2018
Swami Nigamantha Mahadeshikanâs 750th tirunakshatram Celebrations at Satayagalam, Karnataka, India.
Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakalaswamy Mutt, Bangalore headed by Sri Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra swami, is celebrating this legendâs 750th year from 08th November to 11th November at Satyagalam, Karnataka, India. As part of these 3-daycelebration, we have planned several activiiies. The major ones are a VIdvat-Sadas (Assembly of scholars) and Releases of Books of important works of Swami Deshikan.
For full details, please see the FULL ANNOUNCEMENT, the Invitation from the Satyagalam SRI DESHIKA SABHA and the Invitaion to the VIDVAT-SADAS participants (in Sanskrit).
US residents who wish to make a contribution to support these celebrations may do so online through PLM, USA, from this website.
August 1 â September 30, 2018
Announcement of several important upcoming events at Parakala Mutt during the period from now through September 30, 2018.
- Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Mahadeshikanâs Chaturmasya Sankalpa Vratam August 1, 2018.
- Sri Hyagriva Jayanti on August 24, 2018
- Ramanuja Dayapatram Utsavam at Melukote and Tuppul Parakala Mutt on September 11, 2018Sri Nigamanta mahadeshikanâs 750th Tirunakshatram on September 21, 2018.
- In addition, there are several other Parakala Mutt acharya tirunakshatrmas being celebrated during this period.
For the Invitation and detailed program of the events, please CLICK HERE
May 7-11, 2018
Summer Camp for Children at Bangalore Parakala Mutt
A 5-day Summer camp for children was conducted at the Bangalore Mutt beginning May 7, 2012. This camp conducted this year in celebration of the 750th year anniversary of Swami Deshiksn was participated by 40 children. Among the various activities was included a visual presentation of the life of Swami Deshikan. On the last of the camp, children received certificate, gifts & prizes for the competition conducted during the camp. For photographs from the camp, see the Gallery.
April 21, 2018
HH Parakala Swamiâs Mangalashasanam at Krishnapuram, Karnataka
HH Srimad Parakala Swami visited the Parakala Swami Mutt at Krishnapuram near Mysore and performed mangalashasanam to Sri Krishna. There was padukasahasra parayanam by goshti. For photos from the occasion, see the Gallery.
April 19 â July 1, 2018
Tirunakshatram Celebrations at Mysore, April 19 -July 1, 2018. UPDATE as of May 13.
The next couple of weeks mark a series of celebrations of Acharya Tirunakshatrams at Parakala Mutt, Mysore. The highlights of celebrations are the tirunakshatram of Bhagavad Ramanujacharya on Saturday, April 21 and the Tirunakshatram of our prastuta Acharyan, Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Mahadeshikan on July 1, 2018. Please see the detailed programme of events by clicking on the link below. Devotees are invited to attend all these functions and receive the blessings of PerumAl and the acharyas.
Invitation and Programme
UPDATE AS OF May 13. The tirunakshataram of Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Mahadeshikan was celebrated on May 13, 2018. A large number of devotees attended the function and received Acharyaâs blessings. For photos, please see the Gallery on the left.
For short video showing the poornahuti, please see the link http://youtu.be/5fNdUPYM-aw
March 6, 2018
Divamgata Srikaryam Mahavidwan A.S Venkatanathacharya swamiâs shubha sveekaaram function was held today, the 6th of March 2018 at Mysore mutt. during the function, HH Srimad Parakala Swamy announced the successor Srikaryakartha of mutt as Sri Ue. Ve. Annadur Veeraraghavacharya Swamy, who is a chatus- sastra mahavidwan and shisyya & kumarar of the famous legend Mahavidwan Sri. Ue.Ve. Annadur E.S. Varadacharya Swamy. HH Parakala Swamy also appointed U. Ve. Sri Anantharangan Swamy as the Joint Srikaryakarta for the Mutt.
For photos from the occasion, see the Gallery.
The 21-day Annual Adhyayanotsavam at Bengaluru Parakala Mutt will begin on Dec 19. Please see the Announcement for programme details. Local area devotees are invited to take part in large numbers daily in the recital of the Naalayira Divya Prabhandam, Deshika Prabhandam and the Veda Parayanam.
Dec 19, 2017 â Jan 8, 2018
The recitals were very well participated by over 120 area bhagavatas. Thadeeyaradhanam kainkaryams were performed on several days by devotees. The highlight of the utsavam was the celebration of Nammaazhvar Moksham on Jan 7, 2018 which was attended by nearly 300 devotees. The utsavam concluded with a day-long recital of Iyarpa on Jann 8, 2018 followed by a goshti thadeeyaradhanam. For some photographs from the functions see the Gallery.
Nov 24, 2017
Sri Vaditraya Khandanam is an extremely rare work of Swami Desikan khandanam of 3 mathams â Sankara, Bhaskara and Yadavaprakasha. Over a century back, *âMahamahopadyayaâ âDesika darshana durandaraHâ âBhagawath Vishayamâ Thiruvaheendrapuram Chetlur Narasimhacharya Swami* had published this work in granthaksharam with a tamil translation of this work. This edition is extremely rare to find now.
The current edition of our Matham is published with Sri Vaditraya Khandanam in Nagara aksharam based on the above edition reconciled with a palm leaves manuscript, under the sampadakam of *Mahamahopadyaya Paiyambadi Chetlur Srivatsankacharya Swami*.
As per the niyamanam of our Parakala Swami, several more rarer and hitherto unpublished works of our acharya sarvabhaumas â Swami Desika and Kumara Varadacharya, will be released in further shravanams of this great year at the sannithi of Sri Lakshmi Hayagreeva.
Sept 4, 2017
Abhinava Ramanujar Tirunakshatram function Celebrations at Mysore and Hyderababd and Book release.
Monday September 4, 2017 Bhadrapada-Shravana was the thirunakshatram of Srimad Abhinava Ramanuja Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Mahadeshikan â the 35th pontiff of Sri Parakala Swami MathAsthAnam.
The thirunakshatram was celebrated in Sri Parakala Swami Matham with veda- 4000 prabandha parayanam.
On the occasion of the thiruankshatram, Sri Krishna Brahmatantra Swatantra Swami Granthamala volume 12 was released at Mathamâs Aradhya Devata â Sri Lakshmi Hayagreevanâs sannithi. This work comprises the last volume of Srimad Bhagawatham â Veeraragheevaya commentary which Sri KrishnaBrahmtantra Swami did parishkaaram. This ancient and rarest work has been now digitised as per the niyamanam of Prakrtam Swami Srimad Abhinava Vagheesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Swami.
For a few photos taken on the occasion at Mysore and Hyderabad Mutts, as well as for a brief charitram of Swamy, please, see the photo Gallery.
Sept 4, 2017
Abhinava Ramanujar Tirunakshatram function Celebrations at Mysore and Hyderababd and Book release.
Monday September 4, 2017 Bhadrapada-Shravana was the thirunakshatram of Srimad Abhinava Ramanuja Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Mahadeshikan â the 35th pontiff of Sri Parakala Swami MathAsthAnam.
The thirunakshatram was celebrated in Sri Parakala Swami Matham with veda- 4000 prabandha parayanam.
On the occasion of the thiruankshatram, Sri Krishna Brahmatantra Swatantra Swami Granthamala volume 12 was released at Mathamâs Aradhya Devata â Sri Lakshmi Hayagreevanâs sannithi. This work comprises the last volume of Srimad Bhagawatham â Veeraragheevaya commentary which Sri KrishnaBrahmtantra Swami did parishkaaram. This ancient and rarest work has been now digitised as per the niyamanam of Prakrtam Swami Srimad Abhinava Vagheesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Swami.
For a few photos taken on the occasion at Mysore and Hyderabad Mutts, as well as for a brief charitram of Swamy, please, see the photo Gallery.
July 14, 2017
HHâs 25th Chaturmasya Sankalpa Vratham on July 14, 2017.
HH Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Mahadeshikan performed His 25th Chaturmasya sankalpa Vratham on July 14, 2017. The function was attended by a large number of shishyas and devotees. For some photos from the function: See Gallery.
June 24, 2017
Mandalabhishekam at Tuppul Parakala Mutt., June 24, 2017
On June 24, 2017, Mandalabhishekam function at Tuppul Parakala Mutt, started at 8 AM with homam followed by tirumanjanam to Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva. The function concluded with Shattumurai and teertha prasadm. For a few photos, see Gallery.
June 14-18, 2017
Sri ParakalaMutt, Hyderabad 8th Avatara Dinotsavam Celebrations 14-18 June2017
14/6-ShravanaThirumanjanam,Sri Hayagreeva,Venkateshwara,MahaLakshmi Homams-9am
16/6-UtsavarAbhishekam-9am,Lakshmi Sahasranaama Kumkumarchana-6pm
17/6- RadhaKrishna Thirumanjanam,Kalyanam-9am
I&PR Wing,
Sri Parakala Mutt, Hyderabad
For photos, see Gallery
June 14-18, 2017
April 20 â May 1, 2017 was a period of celebrations at Parakala Mutt. During this period, four tirunakshatrams were celebrated including those of our Prastuta Acharyan, Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Mahadeshikan on Tuesday, April 25 and the 100th year tirunakshatram of Srimad Bhagavad Ramanuja on Monday May 1. The celebrations were marked by recitations of veda, divya prabandham, itihasa and puranas as well as special homams and tirumanjanams to Sri Lakshmi Haygriva. A large number of devotees participated in these celebrations at Mysore and other branches, and received the blessings of Acharya and Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva.
A highlight of the tenth day of celebrations, Bhagavad Ramanujaâs sahasramana Utsavam was the release of ten granthams by our Acharyan. In addition to these ten granthams, two other works, namely (i) a Commentary in Tamil on Swamy Deshikanâs Yatiraja Saptathi by Srivatsankacharya Swamy, and (ii) Sribhashya Amruta Varshini, a Commentary in Sanskrit by NSR Swami for Sribhashyam, were also submitted at our Lakshmi Hayagriva Sannidhi. These will be published shortly. To see the cover page and table of contents of six of these books, CLICK HERE. For some photos from the celebrations at Mysore and Bangalore, see the Gallery.
Ahvana Patrika and Programme.