Operated by
Parakala Lakshmihayagriva Mission, USA, Inc. (PLM, USA)
Northfield Road, Bridgewater NJ, 08807, USA

Charlotte, NC, USA
This Ashram is operated by Parakala Lakshmi Hayagriva Mission, USA, Inc (PLM, USA), a religious nonprofit organization registered in the State of New Jersey in 2014. The organization is affiliated with Sri Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Swamy Mutt, headquartered in Mysuru, India and having branches all across India. Established in the 12th Century AD by Swami Nigamantha Mahadeshikan at Tuppul in Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu, this is the oldest Srivaishnava Mutt in India. It follows the Vishishtadvaita Philosophy propounded by Srimad Ramanujacharya, whose 1000th birth anniversary was celebrated in 2017. Starting from Sri Brahmatantra who was the first Pontiff (Peethadhipathi or Acharya) of the Mutt installed by Swami Deshikan, there have been 36 peethadipathis in an unbroken lineage. The present Acharya, HH Srimad Abhinava Vageesha Brahmatantra Swatantra Parakala Mahdeshikan is the 36th Peethadhipathi. The octogenarian Acharya continues to provide the spiritual guidance and and leadership to his innumerable disciples all over the world. PLM, USA and this Parakala Ashram have been created as per his wishes and with his blessings to bring this tradition into the lives of the devotees in the US.

The Presiding Deity of the Mutt is Lord Lakshmi Hayagriva – the Horse-Faced God of Knowledge and Learning. This Deity is worshiped by millions of Hindus to-day as the God that bestows knowledge, intelligence and success in educational endeavors of men, women and children of all ages. Often, they seek Lord Lakshmi Hayagriva’s blessings while starting teaching of the alphabets to the children, or while they are going through their college admissions and professional career in their adult life, or in the later years of their life for a clear healthy mind and memory. A small Vigraham (“Idol”) of the Lord, worshiped originally by Srimad Ramanuja and subsequently by Swami Deshikan and every one of the 36 pontiffs of the Mutt (and not touched by anyone else), is still being worshiped at the Mutt in India.

at Charlotte Ashram
In 2011 on the request of a number of its disciples and Lakshmi Hyagriva devotees in the US, Parakala Mutt agreed to let an exact replica of its ancient and sacred Original Vigraham of Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva be cast in metal by an expert artist skilled in making such vigrahams. The Vigraham was then consecrated by the Pontiff himself in a grand ceremony at Hyderabad in India. He then performed with his own hands daily Pooja and sravanam abhishekams to this Vigraham along with the Original Vigraham at the Mutt for a few months. The Vigraham was then brought by us to the US. This is the Vigraham that is now adorning the Shrine at this Ashram along with the vigrahams of Srimad Ramanuja and Swami Deshikan.
Ashram Events Calendar
Activities at The Ashram
1. Daily Pooja to Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva.
There will be daily, periodic and special poojas offered to the Deity at the Ashram as per the Parakala Mutt tradition. All are welcome to come in during the Ashram’s Open hours for Lord’s Darshan and also for prayer and meditation in the Prayer Hall. Also, Ashtottara Shatanama Archana and Harati to Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva will be performed on request by any devotee during these times. Tirumanjanam (Abhishekam) will be performed for Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva and/or Srimad Ramanuja and Swami Deshikan on Shravana Nakshtram every month and on other special occasions as per the Mutt tradition.Special poojas and functions, when we expect a large group of devotees to attend, will be held in larger public venues.
Note: There is no set fee for performing the Archanam, Harati or these tirumanjanams. Devotees may contribute “yathaa shakti ” basis (“Whatever you can and Whatever you wish”).
2. Sancharams/Tours in the Charlotte area and all across the US.
During several months in the year, Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva Moorty is taken out on tours (or Sancharams) through various cities all across the US. Our Priest accompanies the Deity during these Sancharams. During these occasions, devotees can invite the Lord into their house and perform special functions to Lord Lakshmi Hayagriva such as Tirumanjanam (Abhishekam), Dolotsavam, etc. For Sponsorship fee see SCHEDULE OF FEE FOR SERVICES. Schedules and other details will be announced well in advance of these Sancharams.
3. Providing priest services for special poojas, and religious functions at devotee houses.
These services are to be booked in advance through the Ashram. For Fee and other details, see SCHEDULE OF FEE FOR SERVICES
4. Weekend activities: (Planned for the Near-future)
Recitations and Teaching of Veda, Tamil Divya prabandhams and Sanskrit stotras (ex. Vishnu Sahasranamam)) to all age groups (and especially to children), Leading small group discussions and arranging for discourses on philosophical subjects, Setting up a library and reading room for philosophical literature, etc.
Recent & Upcoming Events
Tiru Adhyayanotsavam December 25, 2024 – January 18, 2025
Hayagreeva Jayanti Celebration. Aug. 17-18, 2024 & Yajur Upakarmam Aug. 19, 2024
Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva Sancharam
Bay Area Sancharam: February 20 – March 31, 2025
Feb 20 – Perumal arrives at SFO/Bay Area
Feb 21 – Shanti Homam (No Sancharam)
Sancharam starts Feb 22nd or Mar 1st.
Sancharam on following weekends (Sat/Sun) 3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29
Week of 31-Mar (or on 31-Mar) – Perumal travels back to Charlotte
(Sacramento will be covered on one of the weekends)
For links to all Sancharam photos, please see Media Gallery
LINK TO “Guide to Sponsors of Functions“
Link to Parakala Matham Facebook
Our Aradhakar

Our Aradhkar is Sri Biraganahalli Srikanth. He comes to us directly from the Bangalore branch of Parakala Matham, where he was an Archaka at the Lakshmi Hayagriva Sanndhi over the last 10 years. He has accompanied HH Parakala Swami on many of his sancharams. He is well versed in the Matham Sampradayam and in the conduct of all major utsavams and special occasions at the Matham. Srikanth Swami is a bachelor He can speak Kannada, Tamil. Telugu and English.
Sri Srikanth can be contacted at (704) 615-4325.
Ashram Hours
Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays: OPEN 9 AM-11 AM & 6 PM- 8 PM
Saturdays & Sundays: OPEN 8.30 AM – 2 PM, 4 PM – 8.30 PM
Mondays, Tuesdays: CLOSED
Ashram Timings when Deity is on Sancharam
Weekdays: CLOSED
Weekends: OPEN 9 AM- 12 Noon; and 5 PM – 8PM
(Volunteers will conduct group recitation sessions, discussion activities during these hours. A proxy idol of Sri Lakshmi Hayagriva will adorn the shrine as the “Place Holder” during the absence of the Deity, though there is no formal Pooja)
*If any devotee wants to visit the Ashram outside these published hours, please contact the Priest, who may be able to accommodate their visit.
Please contact Ranganath Srinivasa at 917-379-7784.
Ashram Address
8616 Robinson Forest Dr.
Charlotte, NC 28277, USA
Priest Srikanth (704) 615-4325.
Sri.Srini Ramanujam: sriniv.vr at gmail.com
Sri S. R. Ranganath: srranganath at yahoo.com
Sri Ravi Narasshiman: ravinarasshiman at hotmail.com